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Members of Parliament, Judges and the Minister: 62 cases will not be considered by the courts because of the Decision by the CCU

Members of Parliament, Judges and the Minister: 62 cases will not be considered by the courts because of the Decision by the CCU
Due to the adoption of the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated 27.10.2020 No. 13-р/2020, the National Agency of Corruption Prevention (NACP) was forced to file motions to the court to close proceedings in 62 cases. These include cases on the following officials:
  • Oleh Hladkovskyi, ex-first deputy of the CNSD Secretary;
  • Oleksandr Tupytskyi, Constitutional Court of Ukraine’s chief judge;
  • Oleh Liashko, ex-Member of Parliament;
  • Nestor Shufrych, Member of Parliament;
  • Serhii Taruta, Member of Parliament;
  • Ihor Nasalyk, ex-Minister of Energy and Coal Industry;
  • Vadym Novynskyi, ex-Member of Parliament;
  • Anton Poliakov, Member of Parliament;
  • Olena Sotnyk, ex-Member of Parliament.
These and other officials were lucky because the work carried out by the NACP was nullified because of the position of the CCU. Due to the decision by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated 27.10.2020 No. 13-р/2020, the work of the NACP has been blocked.  NACP is deprived of the opportunity to conduct comprehensive inspections of declarations, receive applications from individuals and legal entities on violations of the Law of Ukraine “On Corruption Prevention”, to carry out by its own initiative, inspections of alleged violations of the requirements of this Law, to draw up reports on corruption-related administrative offenses, carry out inspections of the organization of corruption-prevention work in state institutions, etc. Regardless, we believe that law-makers will find legal ways to address the situation.  This is exactly why we continue working on the initiatives that will help increase the effectiveness of preventing and combatting corruption in Ukraine, following the restoration of the full functionality of the NACP.
Members of Parliament, Judges and the Minister: 62 cases will not be considered by the courts because of the Decision by the CCU
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