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150 political parties failed to submit reports to NACP for the third quarter of 2024


On November 11, 2024, the reporting campaign for parliamentary and non-parliamentary political parties for the third quarter of 2024 ended.

The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP), in accordance with Part 20 of Article 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On Political Parties in Ukraine”, is obliged to publish on its official website within 10 calendar days from the date of expiration of the deadline for submission of reports on property, income, expenses and financial liabilities (hereinafter - reports) a list of political parties that have not submitted their reports within the specified period. NACP should also ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice in accordance with the law.

Failure to submit reports is punishable under Art. 212-21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO). This includes a fine of 300 to 400 non-taxable minimum incomes, i.e. UAH 5,100 to 6,800.

As a reminder, almost 170 political parties failed to submit reports to NACP for the second quarter of 2024.

The list of political parties that failed to submit (including by the deadline) the Reports on Property, Income, Expenses and Financial Liabilities for the third quarter of 2024:

  1. "Democratic Party of Ukraine
  2. “Socialist Party of Ukraine”
  3. “”Krayina“”
  4. “Slavic Party”
  5. "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
  6. "All-Ukrainian Association ‘Svoboda’
  7. "Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (United)
  8. “Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine”
  9. “People's Party”
  10. "Party ‘Women of Ukraine’
  11. “Real Ukraine”
  12. "Party of Defenders of the Fatherland
  13. “Right Sector”
  14. “Reform and Order Party”
  15. “Mriya”
  16. "Party ‘Rus’
  17. “Justice and Development”
  18. “”Derzhava“”
  19. "All-Ukrainian political association ‘United Family’
  20. "Order. Responsibility. Justice"
  21. “Young Ukraine”
  22. “Party of Free Democrats”
  23. “Opposition platform - For life”
  24. "Solidarity of Women of Ukraine
  25. “Unity”
  26. “Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Ukraine”
  27. “For Ukraine!”
  28. “Party of Justice”
  29. “People's Trust”
  30. “Ukrainian Christian Movement”
  31. "Green Ecological Party of Ukraine ‘Rainbow’
  32. “All-Ukrainian Party of Spirituality and Patriotism”
  33. “25”
  34. Political party of Ukraine “United Rus”
  35. “All-Ukrainian Political Party - Ecology and Social Protection”
  36. “Renaissance Party”
  37. “Ukrainian House”
  38. "All-Ukrainian ‘Brotherhood’
  39. “Osnova”
  40. “All-Ukrainian Patriotic Union”
  41. “Ukrainian Party of Honor, Fight against Corruption and Organized Crime”
  42. “Eco Party of Bereza”
  43. “New Democracy”
  44. “Power of Law”
  45. “Our Ukraine”
  46. “Party of Labor”
  47. “Civil Solidarity”
  48. “Party of Vinnytsia”
  49. “Conscience of Ukraine”
  50. “People's program of Vadym Chornyi”
  51. “Social and Patriotic Assembly of Slavs”
  52. “Great Ukraine”
  53. “Ukrainian Republican Party”
  54. “Ukrainian Party”
  55. “Kievan Rus” party
  56. “Front of Changes”
  57. “Union of Left Forces”
  58. “All-Ukrainian Cossack Party”
  59. “Bravo”
  60. “Party of Cossacks of Ukraine”
  61. “Will of the people”
  62. “Kyiv residents first!”
  63. “Bloc of opposition forces”
  64. “Sprava”
  65. “Party of economic revival of Ukraine”
  66. “People's Order Party”
  67. “All-Ukrainian Party of Children of War”
  68. “Just Country”
  69. “Righteousness”
  70. “Solidarity of the Right Forces”
  71. “Opposition bloc”
  72. “For Justice and Welfare”
  73. “People's Power”
  74. "Political association ‘Ridna Vitchyzna’
  75. “Serhiy Minko's team”
  76. “Mist“
  77. "All-Ukrainian Agrarian Association ‘Zastup’
  78. “Demalliance (Democratic Alliance)”
  79. “Party of the Ukrainian people”
  80. “Own power”
  81. “Left Opposition”
  82. “Eduard Hurwitz's Bloc”
  83. "Samopomich Union
  84. “Party of Progress”
  85. “Voice of the People”
  86. “ Kyivan Rus - Ukraine”
  87. “Green Tryzub”
  88. “Party of ordinary people of Serhiy Kaplin”
  89. “Socialists”
  90. “Vadym Boychenko's Bloc”
  91. "Party of Igor Kolikhayev ‘We live here!’
  92. "All-Ukrainian Association ‘Public Control’
  93. “Universal Party of Ukraine”
  94. “Social Democratic Party”
  95. “Dignity”
  96. “Party of Shariy”
  97. “Alternative”
  98. “Officer Corps”
  99. ” Nashi ”
  100. “The right of the people”
  101. “New Action”
  102. “Party of Community Development”
  103. "Public movement ‘People's control’
  104. "All-Ukrainian Association of Citizens ‘Perspective’
  105. “Ukrainian choice”
  106. “Live in prosperity”
  107. “Kherson residents”
  108. “Olympus”
  109. “Igor Semenchev's block”
  110. “Party of local communities”
  111. “Palchevsky's victory”
  112. “Sobor”
  113. “Our home is Odesa”
  114. “Harmony”
  115. “Avangard of the people”
  116. “Ukrainian National Assembly”
  117. "All-Ukrainian Association ‘Platform of Communities’
  118. “Movement of Justice”
  119. “Patriots of Ukraine”
  120. "All-Ukrainian Association ‘New Ukraine’
  121. “New Country”
  122. “”Svoi“”
  123. “Vinnytsia European Strategy”
  124. “Your personal victory”
  125. “National Corps”
  126. “People”
  127. “Reasonable force”
  128. “Independence”
  129. “Ukraine without oligarchs”
  130. “Perspective of the city”
  131. “Party of Unity”
  132. “Nova”
  133. “Tribunal”
  134. “Party of national selfishness”
  135. “There is hope”
  136. “Civil Union”
  137. “All-Ukrainian People's Union”
  138. “Development”
  139. “Stability”
  140. “Spirit of the nation”
  141. “Bloc of Volodymyr Saldo”
  142. “Party of Chernivtsi”
  143. “Trust”
  144. “Ecological alternative”
  145. “Ukraine is our home”
  146. “Movement to Europe”
  147. “Center”
  148. “Language”
  149. “Communist Party of Ukraine”
  150. “Workers' Party of Ukraine (Marxist-Leninist)”

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