The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) suspends the status of 5 Greek shipping companies - Dynacom Tankers Management (DTM), Delta Tankers LTD, Thenamaris Ships Management Inc., Minerva Marine, TMC Tankers LTD and Hungarian OTP Bank - from the list of international sponsors of war. This decision was made as a result of negotiations between the Agency's representatives and representatives of companies and governments in these countries to terminate cooperation with the Russian Federation.
From now on, these 6 companies will have a temporarily suspended status on the "War and Sanctions" Portal, in the section "International Sponsors of War". Their further removal from the list will depend on the fulfillment of the above conditions.
In addition, the Agency hopes that this decision will lead to Hungary's unblocking of €500 million of vital EU military aid for the Ukrainian people, and will also eliminate the possibility of Greece blocking the future EU sanctions package aimed at reducing Russia's ability to continue the war.
The Agency is always open to cooperation with international businesses and is ready to consult on the steps necessary for de-listing.
The NACP is the body responsible for the compliance system in the private sector. During the compliance procedures, counterparties are subject to integrity checks, including socially responsible business conduct in accordance with OECD standards. The list of "International Sponsors of War" on the War and Sanctions portal is a powerful reputational tool for achieving integrity of supply chains in the international dimension, for international businesses to leave Russia, and thus for reducing the financial and technological capacity of the terrorist country to kill Ukrainians. One of the platform's "pressure levers" is cooperation with the World-Check database, which is used by banks and insurance companies to assess risks. That is why for global companies the consequences of being on the list are worse than continuing to do business with the aggressor country.
In the spring of 2023, the NACP added Hungarian OTP Bank to the list of international war sponsors. And in the summer of 2023, the NACP renewed the status of "war sponsors" for five Greek shipping companies.
Dialogue has started: NACP suspends 5 Greek shipping companies and OTP Bank from the list of international sponsors of war while negotiations are underway
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