On August 15, 2024, Viktor Pavlushchyk, Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP), appointed Dmytro Kalmykov as his deputy.
Dmytro Kalmykov has been working at the NAPC since 2020 and until now has been heading the Anti-Corruption Policy Department. Under his leadership, this department developed and advocated for the adoption of the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2021-2025 and the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025.
“Within the new concept of the Agency's structure, namely the separation of functions for the formation and implementation of anti-corruption policy by specific areas, Dmytro Kalmykov will be responsible for its formation. In particular, this includes creating the proper tools for policy implementation, strategic analysis and the development of corruption prevention mechanisms. I believe that thanks to Dmytro's experience, this area will receive an additional impetus for development. In turn, another Deputy Head of NACP, Sergiy Gupiak, will be responsible for implementing the anti-corruption policy. Separation of functions and concentration of powers between different managers will help to find new progressive ways and approaches in the work. In addition, Dmytro's responsibilities will remain the development and implementation of the national anti-corruption strategy and the program for its formation,” said NACP Head Viktor Pavlushchyk.
Previously, from 2014 to 2020, Dmytro Kalmykov worked as an expert on criminal justice and anti-corruption at the Center of Policy and Legal Reform. In particular, he analyzed the formation and implementation of Ukraine's criminal and anti-corruption policies, conducted anti-corruption expertise of draft legal acts, and monitored the activities of anti-corruption bodies.
From 2010 to 2014, he was engaged in teaching and research activities in the field of formulation and implementation of criminal and anti-corruption policy of Ukraine.
Dmytro Kalmykov holds a degree in law and economics, and a PhD in law. He is also the author (co-author) of more than 60 educational, scientific and practical, and popular science works.
As a reminder, the Head of NACP may have three deputies. Currently, Mykola Korneliuk and Sergiy Gupiak are also deputy heads of NACP.