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Four years of NACP 2.0: strategic analysis of corruption risks


In 2020, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) launched a new area of expert strategic analysis of corruption risks to identify and eliminate corruption schemes. We continue to talk about the results of the four-year work of the "rebooted" NAPC 2.0.

"Transparent legislation is an important prerequisite for Ukraine's victory and its effective recovery. The strategic analysis of corruption risks and anti-corruption expertise introduced in 2020 are authoritative and effective tools for preventing corruption. The National Agency has an effective impact on minimizing corruption risks and formulating strategic initiatives when drafting legal acts, as evidenced by the significant number of NACP recommendations taken into account by public authorities," said Acting Head of the NACP, Iaroslav Liubchenko.

In implementing the new direction, the National Agency focused on the study of corruption risks in the priority areas of activity of state bodies, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local governments, enterprises, institutions, and organizations. It also developed a methodology for conducting such an analysis. The identification of potentially vulnerable areas is based on an analytical study using a sound methodology. In the course of the research, specialists analyze the legal framework and study sources of information indicating the existence of corruption risks and schemes: law enforcement investigations, journalistic and public developments, reports of corruption, anti-corruption programs of state bodies, etc. Based on the results of the study, the NACP provides recommendations for the effective elimination and/or minimization of the identified risks.

In 2020, following the adoption of legislation on the land market by the Parliament, the NACP focused, in particular, on a strategic analysis of corruption risks in the field of land management: Sources of corruption in land management and the potential for their elimination in draft law No. 2194; Impact of electronic auctions on sources of corruption in the land market: an analytical review of draft law No. 2195; Shadow land turnover schemes under the moratorium; Corruption risks in the free privatization procedure. In addition, the NACP conducted a Generalization of external corruption risks, which consist of imperfect regulations.

In 2021, the NACP conducted a strategic analysis that identified the 30 most common corruption practices in the field of land management; Land Corruption: Top 30 Corruption Risks and Ways to Overcome Them. Other priority areas included, in particular, urban planning: Corruption risks in the procedure for issuing urban planning conditions and restrictions on land development; Corruption risks in the system of control over the development and approval of urban planning documentation; defense sector: Top 15 corruption risks in the management of Ukroboronprom enterprises and ways to overcome them; and medicine: Top 10 corruption schemes for providing people with disabilities with technical rehabilitation equipment.

In 2022, a strategic analysis of corruption risks was conducted, in particular in the field of seafarers' certification. Corruption risks in the field of seafarers' training and certification; border crossing Corruption schemes and risks when leaving Ukraine under martial law; education and science Preschool and general secondary education (2022); Corruption risks of the admission campaign - 2022; in the medical and social spheres: Corruption risks in the procedure of medical technology assessment; Top 10 corruption risks of medical and social examinations for disability determination; Corruption risks in restricting the circulation of medicines under martial law; and in the defense sector: Top 10 corruption risks in providing housing for military personnel and ways to overcome them.

In 2023, the NACP analyzed corruption risks, in particular in the field of military medical commissions Corruption risks in the activities of military medical commissions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; taxation Corruption risks in the procedure for suspending or resuming registration of tax invoices or adjustment calculations in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices; public procurement Corruption risks in public procurement under martial law; Reconstruction Corruption risks of real estate reconstruction; corporate governance Analytical report on strategic assessment of corruption risks in the activities of state-owned enterprises and identification of enterprises with the highest level of corruption risks; and transportation TOP-20 corruption risks in the activities of JSC Ukrzaliznytsia.

"Since 2020, the National Agency has identified hundreds of corruption risks and provided effective recommendations for their elimination or minimization. During this time, the successful implementation of the recommendations provided by the NACP has been demonstrated, in particular, in the areas of land relations, medical and social spheres, seafarers' certification, education, and science. The overall percentage of successful implementation of the recommendations is 57%," said Olena Kryvoshey, Head of the NACP's Department for Corruption Risk Mitigation and Anti-Corruption Expertise.

The analytical report on the results of the NACP's work for four years (2020-2023) is available here.

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