Government has appointed Viktor Pavlushchyk as the Head of the NACP
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has appointed Viktor Pavlushchyk as the Head of the National Agency for the Corruption Prevention (NACP). The Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution No. 162-p today, February 27, at its meeting.
Viktor Pavlushchyk has been working at the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) since 2015, and until now he was a senior detective - head of the NABU's detective department. From 2008 to 2015, he served in the Security Service of Ukraine in operational and managerial positions.
As a reminder, on February 25,the Commission for the selection of the NACP Head selected Viktor Pavlushchyk as the winner of the competition, who, according to the Commission`s reasonable decision, has the best professional experience, knowledge and qualities to perform the official duties of the NACP Head, as well as meets the criteria of competence and integrity. A total of 51 candidates took part in the competition, which lasted from November 13, 2023.
For reference:
The Head of the NACP is appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine based on the results of an open competitive selection for a term of four years and cannot hold this position twice in a row. The term of the previous Head of the NACP, Oleksandr Novikov, expired on January 15, 2024.