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Healthcare and Social Protection: Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program


The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has completed the seventh quarterly monitoring of the implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 (SACP). The key measures implemented in the fourth quarter of 2024, including the signing of the Law of Ukraine “On Public Consultations”, approval of the Unified Indicators for Assessing the Integrity and Professional Ethics of a Judge (Candidate for the Position of Judge) and the State Property Policy, were described in the previous material by the link.

In addition, a number of important measures have been implemented in the healthcare and social protection sectors, which contribute to digitalization and, consequently, to the acceleration of the provision of healthcare and social services and minimization of corruption risks.

Launch of the Unified Social Sphere Information System

On December 1, 2024, the Unified Social Information System (USIS) was put into commercial operation (Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine No. 536-N dated November 22, 2024). This system will allow citizens to receive the necessary social services faster.

In addition, the information system

  • increase the efficiency of social sector management;
  • ensure proper accounting of the use of funds allocated in the budget for social support for all categories of social support recipients
  • optimize the processes of providing social support and automate interaction between the subjects of the Unified System, which will reduce the time and effort spent on servicing citizens;
  • ensure monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of social support provision.

The social portal of the Ministry of Social Policy -, where citizens can submit an online application for social services, is a part of the UISSS.

The SACP measure is

The executor is the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.

Reforming medical and social expertise

On December 19, 2024, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine No. 4170-IX “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Reforming Medical and Social Expertise and Implementing the Assessment of Daily Functioning”. The new law eliminates the outdated system of medical and social expertise and provides for the creation of a digitalized system for assessing a person's daily functioning. Instead of them, expert teams for assessing the daily functioning of a person have begun to work.

The changes are aimed at improving the mechanism for establishing disability, ensuring transparency and reducing corruption risks by assessing a person's daily functioning through an electronic system.

Measure -

The lead executor is the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Interaction of the electronic healthcare system with other registers

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has ensured compatibility and interaction of the electronic healthcare system (eHealth) with the Unified State Demographic Register, the State Register of Civil Status Acts, the State Register of Individuals - Taxpayers, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations, information systems of the Ministry of Social Policy, the Information and Analytical Platform for Electronic Verification and Monitoring, the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine and other state registers.

This makes it impossible to consolidate unverified information in the registry and reduces the need for manual cooperation between the doctor, other state bodies and the patient, as there were previously risks of subjective interference and errors, as well as slow exchange of relevant data.


The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is the lead implementer.

Commissioning of the extended functionality of the electronic healthcare system

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine ensured the commissioning of the expanded functionality of the electronic healthcare system (eHealth), which, in particular, concerns the implementation of the classifier NK 030:2022 “Classifier of Functioning, Limitation of Life and Health”.

This resulted in the introduction of such a National Classifier, which is a tool for assessing the state of a person's functionality based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

The eHealth functionality allows you to enter electronic medical records on the state of a person's functioning using the National Classifier. In addition, it includes the possibility of using data from the electronic healthcare system to provide a person with appropriate services based on an individual rehabilitation plan using the National Classifier.

The measure of the SACP is

Lead executor: The Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The progress of implementation of the SAP measures can be tracked in the Information System for Monitoring the Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Policy.

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