The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 aimed at the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy.
The NACP welcomes the Government's approval of a strategically important document for Ukraine. "The adoption of the State Anti-Corruption Program is a critically important step for the European and Euro-Atlantic future of Ukraine. Effective implementation of the Program will create the best conditions for development in Ukraine for citizens and businesses, and will also help Ukraine's accession to the EU, NATO, and OECD", — said the Head of the NACP Oleksandr Novikov.
According to him, this is important not only for Ukraine's membership in the European Union and transparent post-war reconstruction, but primarily for addressing society's demand for justice (84% of citizens are ready to protest against corruption).
The Head of the NACP thanked all his colleagues, ministers and their teams, experts, NGOs and international partners for the joint constructive work that helped make the Program a high-quality, comprehensive and strategic document that corresponds to the best international practices.
What does the State Anti-Corruption program envisage?
The Program provides more than 1,700 measures in 15 policy areas to reduce the level of corruption and ensure integrity. In particular, in the judiciary, defense, law enforcement, state regulation of the economy, customs and taxation, urban planning and land management, corporate management of state enterprises, education, health care, social protection, etc. Also among the priorities is ensuring the inevitability of responsibility for corruption and increasing the effectiveness of the system for combating it.
What will be the indicator that the Program being implemented?
One of the key elements of the Program is a system of indicators that will allow real-time monitoring and evaluation of progress in achieving strategic objectives of the Anti-Corruption Strategy.
Planned activities must be performed by respective agencies within the defined deadlines, to achieve the expected results and with the financial resources necessary for their implementation.
What's next?
"The State Anti-Corruption Program is a step-by-step and coordinated plan for further joint work of all authorities and interested institutions. The next stage will be the development of a public online system that will help everyone monitor the progress of the document's implementation in every sphere", — emphasized the Head of the NACP Oleksandr Novikov.
All materials on the topic:
Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 approved this afternoon will address the pending public demand for justice