Due to the adoption of the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated 27.10.2020 No. 13-р/2020, the National Agency of Corruption Prevention (NACP) was forced to file motions to the court to close proceedings in 62 cases.
These include cases on the following officials:
Members of Parliament, Judges and the Minister: 62 cases will not be considered by the courts because of the Decision by the CCU
- Oleh Hladkovskyi, ex-first deputy of the CNSD Secretary;
- Oleksandr Tupytskyi, Constitutional Court of Ukraine’s chief judge;
- Oleh Liashko, ex-Member of Parliament;
- Nestor Shufrych, Member of Parliament;
- Serhii Taruta, Member of Parliament;
- Ihor Nasalyk, ex-Minister of Energy and Coal Industry;
- Vadym Novynskyi, ex-Member of Parliament;
- Anton Poliakov, Member of Parliament;
- Olena Sotnyk, ex-Member of Parliament.