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NACP identifies top 10 violations in declarations


The declaration campaigns for 2021-2023 are underway. The NACP has analyzed violations committed by declarants when filling out declarations. The most common of them are:

  1. Failure to provide information on real estate and vehicles owned or used by declarants or family members. In most of the cases, they forget to declare the land plots on which their houses are located;
  2. Failure to indicate the value of the objects of declaration (apartments, houses, land plots, cars, etc.), while such information is indicated in the primary documents on the acquisition of ownership;
  3. Failure to declare a real estate object used for residence of the declarant and family members in the reporting period, and in some cases, failure to declare any real estate object at all; 
  4. Indication of the state license plate of the car instead of the identification number (VIN-code);
  5. Indication of the total value of securities instead of the nominal value of one security;
  6. Indication of oneself as a source of income instead of a body, institution or organization that paid wages or other types of income; 
  7. Indication of the amount of income actually paid rather than accrued (including taxes);
  8. Failure to indicate income received as gifts in kind (house, car, etc.), forgiven debt; 
  9. Declaration of monetary assets in the form of cash, but failure to declare other types of monetary assets not exceeding 50 subsistence minimums, while the amount of assets is calculated in aggregate;
  10. Indication by local council members of their actual position and place of work (director of an LLC, teacher, etc.) in the position field instead of the status of "deputy", which triggered the obligation to file a declaration.

We remind you that to simplify the process of filling out the declaration, the NACP has developed the "Data for Declaration" function in the Register of Declarations (more details here).

Using this function, at the initiative of the declarant at the stage of drafting the declaration, the NACP collects and transmits to the declarant in his personal account of the Register of Declarations information (in the form adapted to the declaration form) about his assets, information about which is contained in the registers and databases with which the NACP has an automated exchange.

We also recommend that when filling out the declaration, you use the NACP's recommendations posted in the Knowledge Base.

Submit your declarations on time and without errors. The information on the website and in social media on the NACP's official pages in Telegram and Facebook will help you with this.

You can get additional advice by contacting the authorized unit (person) for the prevention and detection of corruption, established (designated) in accordance with Art. 13-1 of the Law (in the institution where you work or the body to which the institution belongs), as well as by sending an official letter to or by calling the contact center (044) 200-06-94. Answers to the most frequently asked technical questions about working with the Register of Declarations are available here.

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