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NACP suspends funding for political party "Holos" due to inaccurate information in reports worth almost UAH 5 million


The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has identified a number of significant violations in the reports of the political party "Holos" on property, income and financial liabilities (hereinafter - the Report) for the third and fourth quarters of 2020. The party's reports contained inaccurate information worth over UAH 4.725 million. 

According to the Law "On Political Parties", a repeated violation, which consists in submitting a report to the NACP containing inaccurate information about the expenses of a political party in the amount of more than 20 minimum wages (as of January 1, 2020 - UAH 94,460), is the basis for a decision to terminate the party's state funding (Order No. 167/24 of June 25, 2024). 

After analyzing the report for the third quarter, the NACP found that the political party "Holos" had signed service agreements with Mainis LLC for UAH 1 million. These services include oral consultations and explanations on practical aspects of the application of the Electoral Code of Ukraine for party representatives; oral legal advice on the electoral process for members of precinct election commissions in local elections; verification of the correctness of documents for observers at the regular local elections on October 25, 2020, etc. However, the mentioned company did not provide these services to the party. This is confirmed, in particular, by materials received from public authorities (the State Bureau of Investigation, the State Tax Service of Ukraine), information databases, and therefore the information is unreliable.   

The political party concluded contracts with two individual entrepreneurs for UAH 274 thousand, which contained inaccurate information. In particular, they contain information about the numbers of draft laws that had not yet been registered in the Parliament at the time of the contracts' conclusion.

These violations are grounds for suspension of state funding of the statutory activities of a political party until the causes of the violation are eliminated (Order No. 166/24 of 25.06.2024).   

The report for the fourth quarter of 2020 revealed that the political party "Holos" had again signed contracts with LLC "Mainis" for the amount of UAH 1 million. Also, the Kyiv City Territorial Organization signed a contract for the provision of services worth over UAH 2 million 452 thousand 500. It was also found that the mentioned company did not provide any services. Therefore, the report contains false information totaling more than UAH 3 million 452 thousand 500.  

In addition, the report identified other violations and shortcomings that were not related to the inaccuracy of the information.

For two quarters of 2020, the political party "Holos" entered inaccurate information in the report totaling UAH 4 million 726 thousand 500. This is the basis for termination of state funding of the party's statutory activities. 

In addition, the report identified other violations and shortcomings that were not related to the inaccuracy of the information.

That is, for two quarters of 2020, the political party "Holos" entered inaccurate information in the report totaling UAH 4 million 726 thousand 500. This is the basis for termination of state funding of the party's statutory activities. 

The NACP sent the relevant materials to the State Bureau of Investigation. 

As a reminder, the NACP has already suspended funding for "Holos" due to the party's reporting in the second quarter of 2020 of inaccurate information on expenditures of more than UAH 1.3 million in favor of a number of individual entrepreneurs. After the reporting obligation was restored, the party submitted clarifying documents to the NACP, which provided for the settlement of relations with the said counterparties, and the NACP returned the funding. 

In 2020, the NACP suspended funding for two political parties - Batkivshchyna and Holos - due to irregularities in their reports, and in 2021, it suspended funding for the” Sluha Narodu” party. After these parties eliminated the violations, the NACP resumed funding them.

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