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Results of the NACP's work in 2024: anti-corruption policy


In 2023, the Government adopted the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 (SAP), developed by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP). However, the document cannot be implemented in full during the military situation. Therefore, in 2024, to ensure the effective implementation of the SAP, the NACP carried out a thorough work involving 85 agencies, which reached a consolidated position during 30 expert meetings.

"The effective implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2025, which was one of the conditions for granting Ukraine the EU candidate status, and the SAP will significantly reduce the level of corruption in Ukraine in the areas with the highest corruption risks. It is also an important factor for Ukraine's European integration and accession to the OECD. Our goal is to build a successful future for Ukraine by adapting to the changes, despite any external factors. In October 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution that introduced comprehensive changes to the SAP. The need to make changes is caused by the full-scale invasion, the need to update the expected strategic results set by the Anti-Corruption Strategy, which was developed before the war,” said Dmytro Kalmykov, Deputy Head of the NACP.

Taking into account the amendments, the authorities have implemented more than 84% of the actions of the Action Plan, which were to be completed as of September 30, 2024. The progress of the implementation of the SAPO measures can be tracked in the Information System for Monitoring the Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Policy (ISM SAPO). The results of the monitoring for the first quarter are available here, for the second quarter - here, for the third quarter - here (the monitoring for the last quarter of 2024 has not yet been completed).

During 2024, the NACP improved the Information System for Monitoring the Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Policy, in particular, developed a new functionality - the section “Statistical Information on the Results of the Work of Specially Authorized Entities in the Field of Anti-Corruption and Other State Bodies”. This section publishes statistics on the performance of specially authorized entities in the field of combating corruption and the executors of the SAPO in a format convenient for analysis, based on Article 18-3 of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”.

One of the benchmarks for the activity and effectiveness of anti-corruption policy is sociological research. They allow us to understand where to direct efforts to overcome corruption and what vector of work to set. Regular surveys of experts, citizens, and business representatives make it possible to analyze the dynamics of perception and experience of corruption in Ukraine, identify the most corrupt sectors of public administration, and investigate common corruption practices.

Thus, in 2024, NACP presented the results of the study “Corruption in Ukraine 2023: Understanding, Perception, Prevalence” and the results of an expert survey on assessing the level of corruption in Ukraine. The results of the survey to assess the situation with corruption in the country in 2024 will be presented in January 2025.

"2025 will be an extremely important year for NACP team responsible for developing and implementing anti-corruption policy, as there will be many challenges. We have to complete the effective implementation of the current Anti-Corruption Strategy and the SAPO both as an implementer of measures and as a coordinator of other government agencies. In addition, it is important to analyze the existing problems in the most corruption-affected areas of public life, including on the basis of sociological and expert research, and propose ways to solve them. This will form the basis for the new Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2030,” said Tetiana Hetmantseva, Head of the NACP's Anti-Corruption Policy Department.

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