The Government adopted a resolution “Some Issues of Establishment and Functioning of the Transparency Register” by which it approved the Regulation on the Transparency Register.
This document was developed by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP), which, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying”, ensures the maintenance of the Transparency Register, is its maintainer and administrator.
The Regulation is the main document that defines the functionality, procedure for maintaining and accessing the Transparency Register, providing information from it, as well as other issues of its operation.
While developing the draft Regulation, NACP held electronic consultations with the public in April. Based on the results of the public consultations, the Report was published on NACP website.
As a reminder, in early October 2024, the Government approved the Rules of Ethical Conduct for Lobbying Entities developed by NACP.
The National Agency continues to actively work on the creation of the Transparency Register as a key tool for the launch of the lobbying institution as a whole. NACP's partner in this task is the Pro-Integrity project, funded by USAID and UK International Development, which provides funding for the development of this information and communication system.
We also note that a draft law has been registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine that proposes to postpone the enactment of the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying”. This is necessary for the quality development of the Transparency Register and to ensure the full implementation of the provisions of the Law.