The Government has approved the Rules of Ethical Conduct for Lobbying Entities developed by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP).
The Rules introduce ethical standards of behavior mandatory for lobbying entities, which is an important condition for ensuring transparency and integrity of their interaction with lobbying targets and other stakeholders during lobbying.
The document stipulates that lobbying entities are obliged to respect democratic values and public goods, be honest and integrity in their activities, act transparently and openly, provide reliable information about their activities, comply with the legislation on information and personal data protection, and avoid manifestations of unfair influence and prevent conflicts of interest.
This will contribute to the transparency of lobbying and increase public trust in policy-making procedures.
When developing the draft Rules, NACP announced and held extensive public consultations with stakeholders in May-June this year, which took place in several stages. The consultations were attended by 25 experts representing civil society organizations and business. Based on the results of the public consultations, the Report was published on NACP website.
The Rules were developed by the Agency to implement the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying”, the Plan for Organizing the Preparation of Draft Acts and other tasks necessary for the implementation of the specified Law.
The National Agency continues to actively work on the creation of the Transparency Register as a key tool for the launch of the lobbying institution as a whole. In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is considering a draft resolution “On Certain Issues of Establishment and Functioning of the Transparency Register” developed by NACP, which defines the main provisions and functionality of the Transparency Register.