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Representatives of the NACP reported on the compliance of Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation with EU law in the context of accession negotiations


On 17-19 September, Ukraine and the EU held bilateral meetings in Brussels as part of the negotiation process on Ukraine's membership in the European Union. The Ukrainian delegation prepared reports on reforms in anti-corruption policy, as well as challenges and further steps within Chapter 23 “Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights and Freedoms”. 

The negotiating group on anti-corruption policy, headed by Viktor Pavlushchyk, Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, reported on the compliance of  Ukrainian legislation with relevant EU acquis and international policies in this area, and the results of Ukraine's anti-corruption policy implementation. 

In its assessment, the European Commission focuses on the measures and results achieved over the past 5 years, namely the implementation of State Anti-Corruption Programme adopted in 2023 and of the OECD Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan; the effectiveness of investigations of corruption cases by law enforcement and judicial authorities, including high-level corruption cases; the impact of Russia's war against Ukraine and martial law on anti-corruption reforms; cooperation between anti-corruption agencies, etc. 

The NACP group also reported on activities and results in preventing corruption, in particular in the areas of asset declarations, automation of declaration verification, transparency of political party and election campaign financing, conflicts of interest, protection of whistleblowers, etc.

The outcome of this bilateral meeting will serve as a basis for the development of a roadmap and further action plan on the rule of law, which constitutes an indicator for the opening of the Fundamentals negotiating cluster. At the same time, no EU negotiating chapter will be completed until the benchmarks are met, particularly under Chapter 23, Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.

‘Ukraine is currently going through perhaps the most difficult path to EU membership among all European countries. After all, we have to implement reforms and harmonise our laws and regulations with those of the European Union, while defending our right to independence and enduring the war waged by Russia. As a country, we are doing a lot to protect human rights, the rule of law, and fight corruption. This progress cannot be overlooked. The country has made a huge step forward. It is crucial to keep going and continue on this path, no matter how difficult it may be,’ said Pavlushchyk.

The group also included Dmytro Kalmykov, Deputy Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, Svitlana Pylypets, Head of the International Cooperation Department of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, and Tetiana Zavhorodnia, Deputy Head of the Legal Analysis and Regulatory Development Division of the Anti-Corruption Policy Department of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention.

The Ukrainian delegation, headed by Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, comprised about 300 representatives of ministries and other state institutions, including anti-corruption and law enforcement agencies, the judiciary, etc. The meetings were held in a hybrid format: online and offline.

For context:

The screening sessions help to determine the compliance of the candidate country's legislation with EU law and the scope of reforms to be implemented for accession. The three-day meeting between the European Commission and Ukraine is focused on Chapter 23, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, which covers EU law and policies in independent and effective judiciary, prevention and fight against corruption, and fundamental rights and freedoms. The progress of reforms in this area determines the success of the entire negotiation process on membership in the EU. 

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