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The “Golos” party lost its state funding: Supreme Court confirms legality of NACP actions

The Supreme Court has put an end to the issue of the legality of the termination of funding for the political party “Golos”.

Today, on October 11, 2024, the Administrative Court of Cassation issued a ruling in case No. 855/3/24, confirming the legality of the decision of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) to terminate state funding of the Voice political party. The ruling is final and not subject to appeal. This means that the political party in this parliament will no longer receive state funding for its statutory activities.

In June 2024, NACP terminated funding to the political party “Golos” due to inaccurate information in the reports for almost UAH 5 million. In particular, a number of significant violations were found in the reports of the political party “Golos” on property, income and financial liabilities (hereinafter - the report) for the III - IV quarters of 2020.

In two quarterly reports for 2020, the political party “Golos” included inaccurate information in the report totaling UAH 4 million 726 thousand 500. This is the basis for termination of state funding of the party's statutory activities.

According to the Law “On Political Parties”, a repeated violation, which consists in submitting a report to NACP containing inaccurate information about the expenses of a political party in excess of 20 minimum wages (as of January 1, 2020 - UAH 94,460), is the basis for a decision to terminate state funding of the party (Order No. 167/24 of June 25, 2024).
By the end of this year, the political party should have received more than UAH 57 million (for two quarters).

For more information on the reasons for the suspension of funding, read here

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