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Ukraine launches "War and Sanctions" web portal aimed at increasing the number of those under sanctions due to Russian war against Ukraine

Ukraine launches "War and Sanctions" web portal aimed at increasing the number of those under sanctions due to Russian war against Ukraine
The newly launched web portal "War and Sanctions" allows you to view the list of persons who have already been sanctioned since the beginning of the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and to see candidates for sanctions. The web portal is available in three languages ​​(Ukrainian, English, and Russian) at  The main goal of the portal is to inform foreign governments and citizens about the sanctions already in place and to involve the public in a global campaign for expanding sanctions lists against those who provide support to the war, including financial and informational. This will ensure economic pressure on the co-organizers of the war and bring Ukraine closer to victory in the war. Thanks to the site, everyone can call for sanctions against those who deserve it. To do this, select any person from the list by following the link and clicking on the logo of your favorite social network. Now more than ever, your repost or appeal can affect the world community. What information is available on the site? As of today, the following data is available:
  • individuals who were sanctioned after February 22, 2022, in connection with the beginning of full-scale aggression in Russia;
  • individuals who may be imposed with sanctions shortly.
Also, thanks to the portal, you can see which countries have not yet imposed sanctions on a particular individual, despite the fact that he or she is already under sanctions in other jurisdictions. This will help to motivate countries to tighten sanctions. You can also view individuals by category, download a database of all the people listed on the site, or access the data through the API. The following information will also appear on the portal shortly:
  • legal entities imposed with sanctions;
  • information on all persons who have been sanctioned in connection with the events in Ukraine since 2014;
  • data on the assets of persons involved in the military aggression of the Russian Federation.
On the site, you can also go to the Whistleblower Portal on the Assets of Persons Involved in the Russian Aggression against Ukraine and report on the assets of persons involved in the Russian war against Ukraine. This will help freeze and seize such assets for the reconstruction of Ukraine. The portal was developed by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, the NACP has completely reviewed its work in order to bring Ukraine closer to victory. As the NACP has a strong team of more than 200 analysts, they have been involved in collecting and processing the data needed to form proposals for sanctions lists. Read more about NACP projects during the war at the link.
Ukraine launches "War and Sanctions" web portal aimed at increasing the number of those under sanctions due to Russian war against Ukraine
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