Digitalization of services, implementation of the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure, strengthening of public control over the work of the Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA), and approval of the form and content of the ownership structure of a legal entity are the key measures of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 (“SACP”) implemented by the public authorities in the second quarter of 2024.
The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has completed monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption measures for the second quarter of 2024. The authorities have fully or partially implemented 352 measures - 29.7% (out of 1187). Implementation of 269 measures is ongoing. However, 221 measures remain unimplemented and 345 have not yet been launched.
Digitalization is one of the key preventive measures against corruption. This quarter, the authorities have implemented measures that significantly simplify and facilitate the delivery of electronic services to citizens and businesses.
Here are some of the IT tools that have been introduced under the State Anti-Corruption Program, which significantly minimize corruption risks.
The Diia portal has launched a new comprehensive e-Entrepreneur service designed to simplify doing business (action, lead executor - the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine).
There are 10 services available for new and existing entrepreneurs in one application. In particular, these include state registration of a sole proprietorship, state registration of changes to information about a sole proprietorship contained in the Unified State Register, registration of a declaration of compliance of the material and technical base of a business entity with the requirements of fire safety legislation, state registration of the establishment of an LLC based on a model charter, submission of vacancies, registration/transition to the simplified taxation system, etc. eEntrepreneur offers a range of services for several types of small businesses - for cafes, beauty salons, points of sale, IT or other activities.
Another important step was implementing a pilot project to introduce the Unified State Electronic System of Permits (action of the State Program, lead executor - the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine). The initiative involves the digitalization of the process of issuing permits for entrepreneurs. In particular, submission of electronic documents for obtaining certain licenses through the Diia portal; submission and processing of electronic documents submitted by business entities, license applicants, licensees, and their representatives through Diia (except for those processed automatically); automatic notification by software of the status of electronic documents and the decision made based on the results of their review, etc.
Entrepreneurs will be able to receive the following administrative services in the field of labor protection and licensing in electronic form. This includes services for the issuance, suspension, revocation, and renewal of licenses for tour operator activities, conducting business activities in veterinary practice, and conducting educational activities at the level of preschool education.
This action of the State Anti-Corruption Program is also a component of the Ukraine Facility Plan I.
Transition to the updated version of the IT system underlying the Convention on Common Transit Procedures (NCTS Phase 5)
This tool introduces real-time exchange of customs information on goods in transit with 35 countries. It also uses a single transit declaration and a single guarantee for the transportation of goods from the country of departure to the country of destination, which are contracting parties to the Convention on Common Transit Procedures.
For example, to move goods from Ukraine to Germany or from Turkey to Ukraine, a single transit declaration will be issued under uniform rules with a single guarantee document. Such a declaration will be valid for the customs authorities of all countries through which the goods will be transported.
In addition, special transit simplifications are being introduced (general guarantee, exemption from guarantee, authorized consignor/consignee, independent sealing). Action was implemented by the State Customs Service of Ukraine.
Accession to the Convention is a prerequisite for accession to the European Union and one of Ukraine's key commitments under the economic part of the Association Agreement with the EU.
Other anti-corruption measures are described in the quarterly digest on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Action Plan.
The progress of the implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program measures can be tracked in the Information System for Monitoring the Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Policy.