Drones have become an integral part of warfare. The aggressor is also actively using various types of UAVs for both hostile attacks on civilian infrastructure and reconnaissance. The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has replenished the Unified Database of Foreign Components in Weapons with 70 new parts of the Russian reconnaissance UAV Granat-4. The database already contains nearly 3,000 foreign parts in Russian and Iranian weapons.
Russia is not able to ensure the high-quality and efficient operation of its weapons and military equipment without foreign-made components.
For instance, the engine, generator, servo, and electronic components of almost every unit and board of the Garnet-4 UAV are manufactured by foreign companies.
Earlier, the NACP also updated the Database with parts from the Iranian UAV Shahed-136.
We cannot allow foreign technologies and components to continue to become part of the aggressors' weapons that kill civilians around the world. We call on manufacturers, officials, investigative journalists, and other concerned citizens from around the world to unite to prevent the proliferation of technology to terrorist regimes such as Russia. For this purpose, the Agency regularly updates the Database, publishing the types of weapons, manufacturers, and technical specifications in the public domain. This information should greatly simplify the collection of evidence and help in the investigation of supply chains to bring those involved in this war to justice.
The NACP expresses its deep respect and gratitude to all Ukrainian military personnel who seized these weapons, as well as to the research centers that studied and identified these components.
Read more about the project "Foreign Components in Weapons" here.
It is worth reminding that the role of the NACP in sanctions policy is defined in the Roadmap for Individual Sanctions developed by the Stanford International Working Group on Russian Sanctions. In particular, the NACP identifies companies that supply electronic components to Russia.