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Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program measures in the fourth quarter of 2024: law on public consultations, indicators for assessing the integrity of judges and state property policy


The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has completed the seventh quarterly monitoring of the implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025.

In the fourth quarter of 2024, the government agencies fully or partially implemented 419 measures out of 1146 (36.6% of the total), 277 measures are in progress (24.2%), 90 measures have not been implemented (7.9%) and 360 measures have not been started (31.4%).

The achievements for the fourth quarter include the signing of the Law of Ukraine “On Public Consultations”, approval of the Unified Indicators for Assessing Integrity and Professional Ethics of Judges and Candidates for the Position of Judge and State Property Policy.

Implementation of the Action Plan will help to increase transparency of public authorities, efficiency of management of state-owned companies, public involvement in decision-making and European integration.

Law on Public Consultations

On October 17, 2024, the President of Ukraine signed the Law of Ukraine No. 3841-IX “On Public Consultations” dated June 20, 2024. This is an important step towards engaging citizens in public administration and public control.

The document provides for mandatory public consultations when making any management decisions at the state and community levels, in particular when developing regulations.

The law also defines various forms of consultations (electronic, targeted consultations and public discussions) and the creation of a single online platform for their conduct. At the same time, the electronic form will be mandatory for public consultations on all draft acts.

Experts from civil society and international organizations made an important contribution to the development and adoption of the document. The law will come into force 12 months after the date of termination or lifting of martial law. It is also one of the points of the Ukraine Facility Plan.

This is a measure of the SACP -

State property policy

On November 29, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the State Property Policy (Resolution No. 1369 “Some Issues of the State Property Policy” datedNovember 29, 2024 ). This will increase the efficiency and transparency of the management of state-owned companies. The document envisages the introduction of modern corporate governance standards based on OECD principles, including the establishment of independent supervisory boards, reporting rules and setting goals for state-owned companies, etc.

For the first time, the document regulates a transparent remuneration policy for executives and members of supervisory boards of state-owned companies, as well as a dividend policy.

Its adoption is envisaged by the Ukraine Facility Plan and is a structural beacon of the memorandum with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It also brings Ukraine's state property management system closer to OECD standards.

The measure of the SACP is

Uniform indicators for assessing the integrity and professional ethics of judges and judicial candidates

On December 17, 2024, the High Council of Justice approved the Unified Indicators for Assessing Integrity and Professional Ethics of Judges and Judicial Candidates (Decision No. 3659/0/15-24).

They establish clear criteria for evaluating judges (judicial candidates) based on the following key indicators: independence; impartiality; adherence to ethical standards and impeccable behavior in professional and personal life; honesty; integrity; legality of sources of property, compliance of the standard of living of a judge (judicial candidate) or his/her family members with the declared income; compliance of the lifestyle of a judge (judicial candidate) with his/her status.

The measure of the SACP is

Other anti-corruption measures are described in the quarterly digest on the implementation of the ANP.

The progress of the implementation of the SAP measures can be tracked in the Information System for Monitoring the Implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Policy.

The results of the monitoring for the first quarter of 2024 are available here.

The monitoring results for the second quarter of 2024 are available here.

The monitoring results for the third quarter of 2024 are available here.

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