The lowest level of corruption in Ukraine, according to the population, is in administrative service centers (ASCs). In 2024, only 3.8% of visitors had corruption experience in this area, which is more than two times less than in 2023 (8.9%). This is evidenced by the results of the nationwide survey “Corruption in Ukraine 2024: Understanding, Perception, Prevalence” conducted by Info Sapiens sociological company on behalf of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP).
The level of corruption in ASCs remains the lowest among the surveyed areas for all years of research.
Instead, in 2024, citizens most often had corruption experience in the field of construction and land relations - 44.1% of those who received the relevant services. Healthcare and law enforcement are the second most common areas of corruption: 28.5% of respondents who had contact with these sectors reported corruption experience.
Most often, people reported “medical” corruption, as about half of the citizens visited healthcare institutions during the year. Thus, despite the fact that the level of corruption in healthcare is lower than in construction and land relations, it is in healthcare facilities that the majority of Ukrainians gain corruption experience - almost 15% of all Ukrainians surveyed.
In 2024, 26% of service recipients reported corruption situations in the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It should be noted that a year earlier, this area was in first place in terms of the frequency of corruption, with 35.7% of visitors encountering corruption.
Also, compared to 2023, the rate of corruption experience of the population in areas related to children's education has significantly decreased. Corruption situations in municipal kindergartens were experienced by 15.1% of respondents (in 2023 - 27%), and in primary and secondary education institutions - by 12% (in 2023 - 21.6%).
According to business, customs remains the most corrupt sector for the fourth year in a row. Corruption experience was reported by 35.1% of entrepreneurs who had contact with the government agency (this figure has remained unchanged since 2022). The second most corrupt sector is the service providers of electricity, gas, water, and sewage systems: 32.2% of entrepreneurs reported having experienced corruption in this area. The third place is shared by two areas with comparable indicators: law enforcement (28.5%) and construction and land relations (27.9%).
The lowest level of corruption among business audiences was recorded in such areas as tax authorities, control and supervision of business activities, and enforcement of court decisions. About 15% of entrepreneurs who had contact with these areas had corruption experience.
It is worth noting that there is a significant statistical gap between the perception of corruption and personal corruption experience of respondents. Thus, according to the population, the judiciary, customs and border control agencies are most affected by corruption. The ranking of the most corrupt areas in the perception of citizens has remained unchanged for the fourth year in a row, although people do not report a high level of corruption experience in these areas. According to business, apart from customs, corruption is most widespread in the areas of permitting and mining, public procurement of works and services for construction, repair and maintenance of roads.
The survey results are available at the link.