In March 2024, Ukraine joined the Public Integrity Indicators (“PII”) initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) and provided data on the quality of state strategies in the field of integrity and anti-corruption, accountability of public policy making and effectiveness of internal control and risk management.
The PII data for Ukraine was published on the Public Integrity Indicators Portal on December 9, 2024. Their values for further analysis can be downloaded from the OECD Data Explorer. The portal contains detailed information on the fulfilled and unfulfilled criteria for each country.
List of indicators of accountability of public policy making
List of internal control and risk management performance indicator
List of indicators of the quality of the strategic framework
The OECD unites 38 of the world's most developed countries. The OECD's goal is to create the best solutions for public policies that promote economic prosperity, equal opportunities and welfare.
The Public Integrity Indicators are the first set of internationally harmonized data designed to promote best practices in building integrity systems by comparing country performance and sharing best practices.
The Public Integrity Indicators (“PII”) initiative was created by the OECD's Working Group on Integrity and Anti-Corruption to enable member countries to move from indicators based on subjective assessments to objective data. These new tools allow countries to compare their results with OECD and international averages, and to better understand which aspects of their integrity systems are working well and which need to be improved.
The OECD's PII sets out modern standards for assessing the resilience of governments to corruption risks and strengthening the principles of public integrity. Based on primary data sources, the IPIs contribute to the global fight against corruption by offering practical and reliable information.
This is critically important for Ukraine on its way to membership in the European Union, as well as for the harmonization of national legislation with EU standards.
As a reminder, Ukraine is one of the first non-OECD and non-associated countries to join the Public Integrity Indicators initiative and provide data on all three data blocks.