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The interdepartmental sanctions group approved the transfer of a package of sanctions against Russian propagandists for consideration by the NSDC

The interdepartmental sanctions group approved the transfer of a package of sanctions against Russian propagandists for consideration by the NSDC
Interdepartmental Working Group on Implementation of the State Sanctions Policy (IWG) approved the submission to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) for consideration of the proposed Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), based on the data collected by the analysts of the National Agency On Corruption Prevention (NACP), a package of proposals for the introduction of personal sanctions against almost two thousand propagandists.
We will remind that the composition of the IWG under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyridenko includes representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine (GPO), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the Ministry of Justice, the National Agency On Corruption Prevention (NACP), other ministries and departments.
«Almost 2,000 propagandists will be under Ukraine’s sanctions in the near future. This is another nail in the coffin of the propaganda machine of the last empire that is Russian Federation and a reminder that we will not let go of any person who has incited hatred towards Ukrainians since the beginning of the war in 2014», — said Oleksandr Novikov, Head of the NACP.
Among the candidates for sanctions are citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, other countries, representatives of the so-called LNR/DNR. These are singers, athletes, pop, theater and film artists, other cultural figures, bloggers, journalists, producers and editors of propaganda media, as well as television and radio companies, publishing houses, museums, their managers and owners. All of them spread the narratives of Kremlin propaganda, hatred of the Ukrainian people, take part in "cultural" measures to support the war in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, and otherwise support the bloody war. It is planned that the SSU will soon submit the sanctions package for consideration by the NSDC, after which it will be implemented by Presidential Decree.
The role of NACP in the identification of candidates for sanctions is provided in the Individual Sanctions Roadmap developed within the international Yermak-McFaul Expert Group on Russian Sanctions, created on the initiative of the President of Ukraine.
Thanks to the coordination of the First Vice Prime Minister, the materials developed by the NACP for the time being on Russians and Belarusians involved in the war are transferred to the SSU, which verifies them and, after approval by the SSU, sends them to the NSDC for the imposition of sanctions. At this time, the NSDC, based on the lists prepared by the NACP, verified by the SSU and approved by the MFA, imposed sanctions on 3,113 individuals and 1,374 legal entities. In addition, the IWG approved the imposition of sanctions on almost 6,500 more people.
You can view the full list of persons who have already been sanctioned on the "War&Sanctions" Portal, which is administered by the NACP:
The interdepartmental sanctions group approved the transfer of a package of sanctions against Russian propagandists for consideration by the NSDC

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