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The NACP 2.0. Anti-corruption policy - 2022: Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2025, State Anti-Corruption Program and questionnaire of the European Commission

The NACP 2.0.  Anti-corruption policy - 2022: Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2025, State Anti-Corruption Program and questionnaire of the European Commission
Last year was significant for the state anti-corruption policy. The Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2025 was adopted and the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 was developed for the implementation of the Strategy. These are strategically important and fundamental documents for Ukraine. They will reduce the level of corruption in the state, are a road map for carrying out important reforms for society and coordinated work of all authorities.
"The most important achievement in the area of ​​anti-corruption policy is the adoption of the new Anti-Corruption Strategy, which was one of the conditions for granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU membership.  Colossal work was also carried out on the development and approval of the State Program for its implementation.  This is actually a step-by-step plan on how to reform 15 socially important areas with the highest level of corruption, which is especially important for Ukraine's EU and NATO integration, joining the OECD, as well as synchronizing with the processes of Ukraine's recovery", — said Dmytro Kalmykov, head of the Anti-Corruption Policy Department of the NACP.
The documents provide for the inevitability of responsibility for corruption, reforms in the areas of justice, urban planning and land relations, customs and taxation, state regulation of the economy, the defense sector, health care and social protection, the system of preventing and countering corruption, etc. According to Dmytro Kalmykov, it is now important to ensure effective coordination and partnership of authorities and civil society for the implementation of the Program by all actors. What are the key achievements in the direction of anti-corruption policy formation?
  1. Anti-corruption strategy until 2025.  Thanks to the systematic work and support of international partners, leading public organizations, experts, as well as all interested authorities, the new Anti-Corruption Strategy was approved by the Parliament.  On June 20, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law "On the Basics of State Anti-Corruption Policy for 2021-2025", approving it.       This is the first Anti-Corruption Strategy developed by the NACP itself (recall that the previous document was developed by the Ministry of Justice).  It is important that the existence and implementation of the Strategy were questions of the European Commission Questionnaire with the aim of forming a conclusion on granting the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union.
Development and approval of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 for the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy:
  • the Program draft for 2023-2025 was prepared in four months;
  • 11 public discussions of the document were held with maximum involvement of experts, public organizations and all interested bodies;
  • draft  approval was received from 128 bodies and institutions;
  • more than 500 comments on the project were processed and a protocol for agreement of positions on half a thousand pages was prepared;
  • a separate budget program was opened and the financial and economic substantiation of the measures entrusted to the NACP was provided, in the amount of more than 150 million hryvnias.
  1. Currently, the NACP is developing a special monitoring system that will help citizens monitor the progress of the Program implementation online.
  2. Підготовлено відповіді на 36 питань першої частини Опитувальника Європейської комісії щодо антикорупційної політики, а також відповіді на 12 питань другої частини Answers to 36 questions of the first part of the European Commission's Questionnaire on anti-corruption policy, as well as answers to 12 questions of the second part of the European Commission's Questionnaire, have been prepared.  Thus, the NACP team made a significant contribution to Ukraine's obtaining the status of a candidate for membership of the European Union.
  3. The results of the sociological study "Corruption in Ukraine 2021: understanding, perception, prevalence" in the context of the post-war reconstruction of the state were presented.
The NACP 2.0. Anti-corruption policy - 2022: Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2025, State Anti-Corruption Program and questionnaire of the European Commission

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